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Monday 6 February 2017

10 Facts Every Bodybuilder Should Know

As will be shown in this article, aerobic training can be a valuable tool when aiming to increase mass. Learn about this and other facts every bodybuilder should know.
In bodybuilding, as in any other discipline, there is much speculation surrounding the various methods and processes underpinning the ways in which to succeed.
These speculations often lead to confusion and frustration on the part of the aspiring bodybuilder. For example, there is a misconception, in terms of nutrition, that avoiding fat at all costs will enhance one's health and create a winning physique. Research, however, would prove that strategically including the right type of fats, in the appropriate ratios, will not only improve health but enhance physical development.

Also, there is a belief that training aerobically will deleteriously impact on muscle growth. As will be shown in this article, aerobic training can be a valuable tool when aiming to increase mass. These are but two examples. There are many others. In fact, there are certain universal truths every bodybuilder should know. The following are guaranteed to improve anyone's physique.


A fundamental requirement for anyone wanting to achieve size is to increase the amount of weight lifted from session to session. This increases the intensity of the session and ensures the muscles are subjected to sufficient stress, which will, in turn, elicits results.
The beginner bodybuilder would first aim to achieve a certain number of repetitions, with a certain weight (say 10 repetitions with 50 kilograms on the bench press). The following week, 2.5 kilograms would be added, and so on, until the lifter can only complete six-eight repetitions.
The aim will then be to, once again, complete 10 repetitions with the weight they are currently achieving six-eight with. The truth is, the only way to progress in bodybuilding is to subject the muscles to greater a greater level of intensity on a continual basis - commonly know as progressive resistance training.
In fact, a plateau may ensue if the same intensity is applied to the muscles day in day out. A plateau will halt progress and could diminish results. If one finds they cannot increase their training weight, overtraining might have occurred and this will need to be addressed before further gains can be made (refer to the fact 10).


Most of today's bodybuilders, and indeed athletes in general, know that protein is an important nutritional component.
However, what many fail to realize is to achieve to ones physical goals, protein is required in greater amounts than previously thought.

In many quarters it is still thought that 70-80 grams per day is acceptable. This has been proven to be erroneous. Protein is a chemical compound essential to many of our biological processes - most notably for bodybuilders, the building of muscle. Protein synthesis (the converting of amino acids to proteins to repair and rebuild) can only sufficiently occur if an adequate amount of protein is consumed.
Given bodybuilders subject their muscles to greater stresses than the average person, it follows their diets should be comprised of a higher percentage of protein. A good starting point (one that has been know in bodybuilding circle-numbers for some time) is one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. More is better in my experience. Many take in almost double this amount.
Eating plenty of protein is probably the second most important variable, after training intensity, when it comes to building size. Foods rich in protein include eggs (which contain the highest biological value of any food protein), milk, chicken and red meat. One should make an effort to consume 30-40 grams of protein 5-7 times per day. One reason for not gaining sufficient size, is a lack of protein, and this can often be attributed to the inconvenience associated with correct meal timing and planning: supplements will help in this regard.
Sleep is crucial for many reasons. For bodybuilders, sleep will assist the protein synthesis mentioned in the last section and help to mentally recharge the lifter for their next training session.
Sleep also assists testosterone and growth hormone manufacture. One thing to remember about sleep is the fact it often means 8+ hours without food. This could spell disaster for the serious lifter as the muscles might eventually begin to break down their structure to supply glycogen to the brain and other organs (gluconeogenesis).
To negate this, eat a high-protein meal before retiring to bed, and one immediate upon rising (if aerobic training is not planned for that day). To achieve adequate sleep, the consensus seems to be seven-nine hours per night. To get this amount employ the following:
  1. Take a warm bath before retiring.
  2. Listen to relaxing music.
  3. Eat a small amount of carbohydrate.
  4. Retire at the same time each night.
  5. Don't watch television in bed.
  6. Resist sleep medications.
  7. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes.
Thinking positively will enhance the muscle-building process in a number of ways. Quality of training will improve if one is able to approach each session with confidence and an expectation they will achieve their training goals. If one is experiencing negative feelings, this will have a negative impact on their training.
For example, dwelling on a negative event while trying to apply maximal intensity will take the mind (arguably the most important muscle-building organ) off what is to be achieved - namely, a complete connection between mind and muscle. Speaking about ones body in negative terms will also impede progress. The body should always be spoken about on a favorable light, without losing sight of exactly what needs to be improved upon.
Indeed, visualizing greatness will, in turn, become a self fulfilling prophecy and goal attainment should stem from this.
  • Associate with positive people.
  • Practice positive self-affirmation (repeat positive statements to oneself on a regular basis).
  • Visualize success.


Negative stress is probably the single most destructive thing one will encounter on their road to superior muscle growth. Everybody, everywhere, encounters a certain amount of stress, on a daily basis. This is natural, and survival is dependant upon it.

Eating, training and talking are all stressful, and we should never avoid any of these. However, these are largely unavoidable and positive forms of stress. Negative stress (distress), on the other hand, is to be avoided for it can undermine any attempt to relax and grow (key aims of any bodybuilder).
These events include smoking, drinking to excess, negative thinking, incessant arguing and lack of sleep and can cause the release of large amounts of cortisol. Cortisol is the body's main stress hormone, its release causes all manner of problems: constricted arteries, high blood pressure, the shutting down of various organs in preparation for fight or flight and thickened blood. Cortisol will literally consume protein tissue, and enhance the deposition of fat - exactly what a bodybuilding does not want.

  • Eat well and exercise regularly.
  • Practice deep-breathing techniques.
  • Try to remain optimistic (eliminate negative self-talk).
  • When encountering a problem, focus on a way forward rather than the problem itself.
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